The Spiritual Agency are an international not-for-profit organisation and our mission statement is ‘Raising vibrations across the internet’.
The Spiritual Agency was founded in 2021 by Vikas Pandey as a private company limited by guarantee. We have no shareholders and as such have an exemption from using a Limited or Ltd suffix. The name ‘The Spiritual Agency’ is subject to international trademarks (please see legal section)
Our head office is in Covent Garden, London. We have an EU branch, The Spiritual Agency B.V. based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and a US branch, The Spiritual Agency L.L.C. in New York City.
Why was the agency formed?

The agency was formed primarily to help meditation teachers, spiritual teachers and anyone else who is raising their own/interplanetary vibrations. These professions tend not to be well paid but are amongst the most valuable in society.
Whilst major corporations control the largest social networks capable of swaying hearts and minds, not always in a favourable direction, it was felt that there was a need to level the playing field. The reason for this perceived darkness is that these corporations have often forgotten their original mission statement and instead have become slaves to their shareholders. For this reason, The Spiritual Agency was formed as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee with Companies House in the United Kingdom in 2021.
We want to assure the users of this website that whilst we would like this company to remain viable and grow, our main concern is not profit but the dissemination of knowledge, in particular pertaining to The World’s Wisdom, often referred to in the spiritual literature as ‘The Perennial Philosophy’.
This philosophy is to be found at the foundations of all the world’s great religious and spiritual traditions, though overlayed with modern interpretations. Often coming in the form of revelations or revealed scripture. Those interested in this area often have a background in meditation and for many meditation teachers, there is a natural calling to go on to become spiritual teachers.

Vocations such as this, nursing, and teaching to name a few are the treasures in our society but don’t attract the best pay and are not the best resourced. But people don’t do into these professions for the money, they enter these professions because their heart tells them to. The heart that founded this agency recognises the value to humankind that these professions offer and together with like-minded founders and CEOs of major tech companies has put together an amazing range of technology, software, services and support. Really the cutting edge of web building technology at some of the very best pricing you will find in the web hosting industry.